Saturday 5 December 2015

What Will You Ask Me?

What will you ask me
After the hellos and how are you's?
When the pause starts to sink in
And the lights don't fill in the spaces
What will you ask me?
About my day
Or what I'm reading
My favourite places in a lonely city
Or why I've suddenly fallen silent
What will you ask me?
About why I can't speak around you
About the space you're taking up in my head
About the double time my heart is beating
What will you ask me?
Of the hours late at night I hope that I'm keeping you up
Like you are me
Or the hours replaying everything over again
Reading into what's not there
No, you will not ask me these things
Because you do not know
That my heart bubbles with these words but my tongue remains still
And I am not brave enough to ask
The risk is too great
The truth too devastating
So I will not ask you either
And we will stay hanging in between

Hello and how are you

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